Bring in the new year - Yoga & health magazine's Introduction to shiatsu contains very important pointers that will help you learn the art of Shiatsu effectively; it also presents some important 'do's and don'ts' to consider when giving a Shiatsu treatment.

See commonly asked questions about Yoga


Therefore it is strongly recommended that you read it carefully before proceeding to Part One.



Choosing a school or practitioner

If you are considering a school or teacher, you should always consult them about their basic approach, which will probably bear some resemblance to one of those mentioned above. You also need to check qualifications of teaching staff. Standards are set within many countries by recognized organizations, and are currently being harmonized within Europe and internationally. These organizations govern publicity, education and ethical standards for Shiatsu in their areas, and supply information on schools, teachers and practitioners.

In the UK the Shiatsu Society sets standards for teachers and practitioners. Students of Shiatsu must gain 500 hours of study with registered teachers over a minimum period of three years, before they can apply for assessment by the Society for entry to the professional register. Teachers must spend at least two years as registered practitioners before they can apply to join the teachers' register. Teachers must be registered for five years before they can become principal of a registered school.

Prices and Tuition

£50 for "First Session" Pilates or Pilates/Yoga or Yoga session, 1 1/2 -2 hours (where a consultation is involved). The first Pilates only or mixed Pilates/Yoga session is £50 for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. £30 for 1 hour £45 for 1 1/2 hours (Minimum rate is £45 for 1 1/2 - 2 hours unless it's a regular £30 1 hour session. ) £60 for 2 hours Other options are available, contact us if for other options. One-to-one rate/small group rates (2-4 clients, rate is the total payment, irrespective of number of participants.) Price reductions are negotiable for regular sessions.

Yoga and Pilates are excellent promoters of relaxation as well as good forms of body conditioning. They are very beneficial for managing stress, improving posture and maintaining a supple, healthy, well-balanced body.